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Ashley Roe

B.F.A. Graphic Design

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Humor and impulsiveness have always defined my personality. In my design and illustration work, I have tried to channel those traits by using images. Most emotions can be created through the lines, colors, and features of an image. When I begin a piece, I try focusing on some emotion and try to use traditional methods to create lines that would emulate the desired feeling. I continue focusing on images in my graphic design process as well. I believe my main image demonstrates the idea of the piece and that the typography characteristics exist to further illustrate the tone. Each font choice and layout helps create a relationship in my design work that allows a piece the ability to convey emotional aspects.


I admire artists such as Banksy and Ralph Steadman through their unique styles. Ralph Steadman is able to produce art that looks as if it was created under an inebriated mind by using spontaneous line work. Banksy is able to create a political presence through his stencil based work and his use of incorporating the outside environment. I try to incorporate aspects of each artist to create a balance in my artwork’s creation. My t-shirt illustration began with line work similar to Steadman and portrays different characters under different inebriated mindsets. Than, I try to channel those characters into a piece that focuses on political or social commentary.


As a designer it is important that I create a personality for my clients. It is my mission to create a relationship between consumers and their clients in a short amount of time, which is why I embrace different emotional attitudes. Visuals are the main basis for my design and illustration process; it is through images that the viewers are able to connect and experience laughter, sadness, or other emotions.

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