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Sarah O'Malley

B.A. Visual Communication

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I design with both halves of the brain. My style, conceptual, yet detail-oriented, utilizes both formulaic minimalism and illustrative mess, as I am able to approach design with logic, structure, and rationale, as well as frenzied, imaginative expression.


As a poet, actor, photographer, and graphic designer, I am unsatisfied with a product that looks or sounds “cool,” but is void of honesty or critical thought. I am always asking why. I tinker, I dig, I question, and I pull things apart until I “get it.” This analysis is essential to my design process, and every element must have a purpose. Whether in package design, web design, or brand identity development, I delight in approaching familiar concepts and practical projects in new and unusual ways, while never over-working or over-complicating a piece.


I was once told, “If it doesn’t work in black and white, it doesn’t work,” and I continue to use this philosophy as a foundation in all of my work. I use color selectively and intentionally. The stripped-down process of designing in black and white allows the artist and the audience to focus on the effective use of fundamental elements, undistracted by the allure of color. I play with negative space, texture, balance, and emphasis in order to craft a visually stimulating experience, even when void of color. I believe that effective design is built first, then decorated, and that color should only enhance a piece and never try to “save” it. In my work, you will find clever solutions in an expressive yet minimal style, without a reliance on design clichés, heavy use of color, or internet trends.



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