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Erin Lange

B.F.A. Graphic Design

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Design is massively powerful in the sense that it is capable of drastically influencing the thoughts and emotions of people. If you look around, you will realize that art and design surrounds us all. Whether it is packaging, advertisements, websites, or brochures, design permeates our lives every single day. For this reason, I believe art, and in turn graphic design, is an essential aspect of our culture and society. As a designer, I take pride in the fact that I have the opportunity and responsibility to yield the influential power of design and create work that is functional, efficient, and captivating. At its rudimentary core, the purpose of graphic design is to communicate ideas visually. I strive to create designs that appeal to an audience and truly engage them.


My approach to design is structured and consistent. I always begin and end a project using the same process. It starts with research, lots of research. Then I move to paper and jot down all of the ideas that are flowing from my mind. From here, I generate countless thumbnails, notes, and sketches and eventually I find myself immersed in my laptop utilizing the various programs I require. Overall, I think that the core of graphic design is complex problem solving, as every single part of design is based on making a decision that will dictate the next outcome. My personal creative process is a constant dance between problem solving and decision-making.


As I have progressed as a designer, I have gravitated toward a simple and minimal style. I believe that the best design is clear, concise, and timeless. In all design, purpose and function should resonate with one another, creating a final product that is capable of standing the test of time. Like other successful designers before me, I strive to create artwork that will continue to be relevant, even years from now because it is harmonious, purposeful, and unique.

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