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Meghan Toomey

B.F.A. Graphic Design


“So what inspired you to make this?” This is a question that I am often asked when people view my work. When thinking about what inspires me the quote “Not all who wander are lost” comes to mind (Tolkein, Lord of the Rings). Wandering is what drives my inspiration as an artist. My brain is a world of endless thoughts and ideas, and I have the ability to wander through that world and hand pick each idea that reveals itself. When wandering I tend to go through a step-by-step process that starts with a simple line and keeps on building, until I am satisfied. Once the work has begun ideas are continuously flowing. I have constant excitement of transferring the ideas in my head onto paper and bringing them to life.


My style of work consists of a number of geometric shapes, lines, patterns, and random objects housed within the blank spaces to give the eye a break from the organized chaos. When my hand starts moving sometimes I have to force myself to stop. Some may call this doodling, but I like to call it intuitive. Most people would say that doodling is somewhat mindless, but for me it’s completely intentional. Connecting every image to create a harmonic piece is something I strive for. My most favored pieces are the ones that display this type of style, but recently I have been experimenting with the beauty of simplicity. The combination of the two into one composition is something that drives me, as a designer.


When asked what inspires me I think about the very beginning of a design, the growth into the final product, and the thought of not knowing what my mind will come up with next. The act of wandering is a skill that will always allow my creativity to flourish and tackle any task brought upon me. Some just like to wander. Keeping this in mind, it has allowed me to discover the inside of this unknown, and, in turn, where I will find myself.

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