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Meghan Moeltner

B.F.A. Graphic Design

Click here to go to Meghan's Website!


mul·ti·de·sign·er [muhl-tahy-dih-zahy-ner]


1. a person who has several qualities to create, communicate, solve and design by means of imagery, text and passion.


Not one project I create is the same; each has their own needs and aesthetic. My portfolio illustrates a variety of mediums to show I am not just a package designer or web designer. My process for creating art always starts with research and sketches. I will sketch fifty different ideas and then edit until I have one solid concept. I have a multitude of skills and techniques which I use to design something truly memorable.


My main concentration is graphic design. Whether I design a logo, package or website, I convey an idea to be shared with an audience. I am that type of person who purposely buys something at the grocery store because it has beautiful packaging or who has over 7,000 pins on Pinterest just for inspiration. I want my audience to be curious and engage with my work. While I recognize graphic design is evolving more into the digital world, for me nothing will ever beat print design. My print design has the ability to enhance your sense of sight and touch because you are able to hold something that portrays creativity, color and strong typography.


My style is very clean, colorful, and unique with a little bit of flair. I put my soul into every detail I design. Seeing new places and meeting new people broaden my perspective in art. A new project for me is like riding a rollercoaster; you have your ups and downs twists and turns. But at the end you have a rush of adrenaline and excitement because you experienced something remarkable. My design allows my clients to see their vision become a reality.

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