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Kayleen Reger

B.A. 2D Studio

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Juxtaposition and human error; my favorite inspirations for my work. I like the scary or unpleasant to be married to the beautiful or whimsical. While this sort of contrast is not uncommon, I find ways to swerve through the monotony of political -or not, propaganda-esque works of juxtaposition. In my work you'll find much color, brilliant and bright colors, but not without darkness. I find that you can't have one without the other in some way, physically or hypothetically.I plan to continue using this inspiration and mindset to see how my work evolves. The potential of evolution makes me excited for the future. I'm attached to what I do, I'm very much in love with creating and sort of watching ideas and sketches come to life. I also intend to invoke thought, I like my work to be aesthetically pleasing; for myself and for the viewers who come across my work. I like beauty, and I like exposing its counter-parts.

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