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Shannon Brooks

B.F.A. Graphic Design


I’ve spent the past four years trying to figure out what the main motivation was behind all of my work, what tied it all together. Now that it’s coming towards the end of my college career, I’ve come to realize the driving force behind my work, is emotion. To me emotion goes beyond something that you alone feel. It goes beyond just being sad, or happy, or angry. It’s broad and complex; it’s curiosity, wanderlust, exuberance and amazement. Emotion is something that you can take and bring it into the physical realm, so that others can see it and feel it within themselves.


When I’m creating my work, I focus on what emotion I’m trying to communicate to the viewer. Whatever emotion I’m trying to convey effects all of the technical decisions I make about the piece, along with the medium I choose to use. When it’s a photography piece, I have to decide what subject I’m going to shoot, along with if it will be in color or black and white, and how large I’ll be printing the piece. For graphic design pieces, I focus on my choice of type and color, as well as the needs and wants of the client. At the end of the day, I want the viewer to walk away from my work with an emotional connection to it that will leave a lasting impression with them.

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